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Precision Deep-Tech Technology created by Pioneering Health Researchers

Beyond You algorithms collect all the information about the mRNA of a sample and compare the expression levels of the sample with the reference population database indicated for each case, associating the genes with their respective metabolic pathways.

The result: a report with all the alterations that are detected in the body of an individual.

Analyzing expression levels

We analyzed how much displaced each sample is with respect to its reference population group in each of the indicated biomarkers.

Cutting-edge AI-based technology

Beyond You algorithms process the information by subjecting it to exhaustive quality control and generate precision output to interpret the data.

Personalization, monitoring and control

Adapt the treatment according to the real needs of your patients thanks to the most advanced health analysis technology in the world.

“Beyond You’s proprietary technology brings us closer to the prevention and early diagnosis of chronic diseases and to the total personalization of treatments so that people around the world have the best state of health throughout their functional lives.”

Alexandre Perera, Ph.D.

Lead Professor of health data science at the UPC, Co-founder and CTO of Beyond You


Everything you need to know about Beyond You

Most genetic tests analyze the sequence of our genome (DNA) and allow
determine genetic predisposition to a disease or, in the case of diseases
hereditary (monogenic), diagnose the pathology. However, the DNA sequence does not vary throughout life, but the expression levels change depending on our lifestyle (our diet, environment, physical activity, stress levels, pathologies, etc.). This modification is reflected in the expression levels of the mRNA.

The Exheus test measures these expression levels through mRNA in blood. Gene expression is the process by which information from DNA creates RNA molecules, these will be encoded into proteins to perform different functions.

With the information we obtain from the Exheus test, we evaluate the state of health of the patient at a certain moment in his life.

We extract RNA from a blood sample. With this extraction,
Libraries are prepared and RNA Sequencing (RNA-Seq) is performed, which allows us to sequence and quantify the number of copies we have of each of the genes.

We then input all this information into the Exheus software based on
artificial intelligence, which allows us to compare each of the patient samples
with our database. In this way, a report of the expression levels of each patient is obtained in relation to their reference population.

We have more than 20 years of research in two large institutions, the Hospital Sant Pau and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. It all started with the research team of Dr. José Manuel Soria, our scientific director, who has directed numerous projects.

For 4 years we monitored the effect of sport on our body. We did our tests on marathon athletes before competing, just after the race and 24 or 48 hours after the marathon.

With the results, we perfected our technology. In addition, we have carried out other research projects in fields such as obesity, nutrition and antiaging. We have a very extensive scientific robustness, which adds a lot of value to the Exheus technological base. We have papers that demonstrate this, published by Dr. Soria and his team, in highly prestigious journals such as Science.

No, the Exheus tests do not allow for the final diagnosis of pathologies. With our test, we can guide and give recommendations for additional tests to confirm any of the observations, but in no case should the Exheus test be considered a diagnostic tool.

Yes of course. It is recommended to do a test periodically to be able to monitor the results and assess whether it is necessary to address new imbalances. A first test is very useful for the health professional to see how his patient is and what guidelines should be followed prescribe After three, six months, or the time that the professional deems necessary, it is ideal to test the patient again to see the evolution and improvement of it.

The recommendations made are based on scientific knowledge based on the most up-to-date and recent research. A rigorous bibliographic search is carried out to be able to elaborate the pertinent recommendations based on gene expression and in a totally personalized way according to the symptoms and symptoms of each individual.

RNA levels in the blood are variable when we change our lifestyle (in the long term, for example, if we go from eating processed food four days a week to just one day) or make a major one-off change (in the short term, for example, if we run a marathon, have the flu, go to a party, etc.

We always collect the extraction on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning and in basal conditions, that is, conditions in which the body is normally found, without having been subjected to extreme conditions.

No, the Exheus test is marketed to people of legal age and cannot be performed on pregnant women.