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#44 Improving sleep and rest with transcriptomics


We present the case of a 53-year-old man who has been experiencing various health and well-being issues.

His lifestyle includes a diet rich in red meat, cow’s dairy, and processed foods. Additionally, he typically sleeps less than 5 hours per day and faces a constant level of stress and anxiety.

His medical history reveals a family history of hypertension, and he is currently under medical treatment to control it. He also complains of a persistent feeling of mental fog, congestion, memory loss, and low concentration.  

Thanks to our transcriptomic analysis, we detected anomalies in certain key metabolic pathways. Join us to discover how he overcame these obstacles through the personalized plan we prepared based on his results.  

Challenges Faced:

Before extracting blood for biomarker analysis, the patient reported several problems he was experiencing:  

  • Difficulty falling asleep: The patient had trouble falling asleep before 2 AM and woke up early for work.  
  • Concentration issues and subjective feeling of mental fog: Difficulty concentrating at work due to insufficient sleep.  
  • Elevated levels of stress and anxiety: Stress and anxiety due to work and daily concentration problems caused by lack of sleep.  
  • Controlled hypertension with medication: While his health is under control, he faces challenges in daily performance due to hypertension,  
    affecting his quality of life.  

Detected Metabolic Alterations:  

After conducting one of our transcriptomic analyses, we detected the following altered results:  

  • GABAergic synapse: Modulates brain activity and plays a crucial role in cognition, depression, and stress response.  
  • Folate biosynthesis: Important for the central nervous system as it contributes to normal psychological function and DNA methylation for gene expression.  
  • Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism: Vitamin C, involved in neurotransmitter synthesis, acts as an essential antioxidant protecting against free radicals.  
  • Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis: Plays a crucial role in cell membrane function, especially in the central nervous system, and can modulate neuroinflammation.  

Proposed Solution for Improving Altered Pathways:  

  • GABAergic synapse: Increase consumption of fermented foods to optimize the microbiota and take magnesium bisglycinate supplementation to boost GABA levels.  
  • Folate biosynthesis: Boost intake of green leafy vegetables and brewer’s yeast for sufficient vitamin B9. Rule out gastric acid deficiency or intestinal tract inflammation.  
  • Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism: Increase consumption of parsley, citrus fruits, tomatoes, peppers, cruciferous vegetables, and strawberries for high vitamin C content. Reduce intake of simple sugars.  
  • Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis: Increase fasting exercise, consume flavonoids, omega-3, and beets, and reduce inflammatory inputs such as lack of rest.  

Recovery Strategy:  

Specialized Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes:  

  • We proposed the following modifications to his diet and lifestyle to improve the results based on the detected alterations:  
    • Moderate red meat consumption and combine with other foods like eggs and small fatty fish (rich in essential micronutrients, biotin, and omega-3 with anti-inflammatory and modulatory effects on intestinal health).  
    • Eliminate cow’s dairy, as it has the potential to raise blood insulin and promote inflammation. Opt for sheep, goat, or buffalo dairy, preferably fermented, such as kefir or yogurt.  
    • Maintain an anti-inflammatory diet and care for the state of the intestinal microbiota to improve metabolic health, body composition, and immune and neuronal systems.  
    • Reduce stress and introduce strength exercises into daily routine to promote joint, bone, and muscle health. Additionally, incorporate intermittent fasting exercises to enhance metabolic flexibility and promote fat utilization as an energy source.  
  • Key Supplements:  
    • Omega-3 (EPA and DHA): For its anti-inflammatory properties, promoting a healthy gut bacterial ecosystem and regulating the immune system. Take 1-2g daily with a dinner rich in healthy fats.  
    • Vitamin D3: For its immunomodulatory capacity and support for metabolic, endocrine, and bone functions. Take 4,000 IU daily with morning breakfast.  
    • L-glutamine powder: To support the health of the digestive mucosa and enterocyte function. Take 5-6 grams with a glass of water.  
    • GABA: To contribute to the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Take 400-600mg daily, as recommended by a healthcare professional.  

Results and Final Assessment:  

After 3 months and implementing the suggested changes, we re-evaluated gene expression. Significant improvements were observed in previously altered pathways. The patient subjectively reported gratifying changes, attributing them to GABA supplementation and the combined effect with vitamin B6 + vitamin D3.  

He stated: “For about a year, I sometimes felt a foggy head, fatigue, and poor concentration… within a few days, I started to notice a clearer head, more overall relaxation, improved sleep, increased concentration, and overall more vitality and well-being. A marvel!” “I feel that the good diet and exercises you recommended make me feel much better and more energetic.”  

This example illustrates how a tailored intervention strategy, grounded in genetic analysis and comprehensively addressing well-being, can make a significant impact on athletic performance. 

If you are interested in obtaining additional details about our ongoing transcriptomic studies, feel free to reach out to us. You can email us at info@beyondyou.life, and one of our experts will be happy to address all your inquiries. 

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