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#41 The Road to Recovery and Improvement for an Endurance Athlete – Beyond You Case Study


Today, we bring you a captivating case of a 36-year-old endurance runner who participates in international ultratrails and triathlons.

He recently reported facing significant challenges: chronic fatigue, muscle recovery issues, and a worrying decline in performance.

The cause?

Thanks to a Beyond You transcriptomic analysis, we detected anomalies in key metabolic pathways.

Join us to discover how he overcame these obstacles with a personalized plan based on his results.

Challenges Faced:

Before the blood extraction to analyze all his biomarkers, the athlete reported several problems that hindered his race performance:

  • Persistent Fatigue: Our athlete struggled with constantly low energy, the cause of which was unclear.
  • Poor Muscle Recovery: Post-race, his muscles took too long to recover, or so he reported.
  • Decreased Performance: Crucial in endurance races, but unfortunately, his performance was declining and he wasn’t achieving the expected results.

Detected Metabolic Alterations:

After conducting one of our transcriptomic analyses, we detected the following altered results:

  1. Valine, Leucine, and Isoleucine: Essential amino acids metabolized for energy and glucose synthesis.
  2. Citrate Cycle (Krebs Cycle): A central process for converting nutrients into energy and molecular precursors.
  3. One Carbon Pool by Folate: A crucial metabolic route for DNA synthesis and genetic regulation.

Recovery Strategy:

  1. Specialized Nutrition: We proposed the following changes in his diet to improve the results based on the detected alterations:
    • Valine, Leucine, and Isoleucine: We changed his diet to incorporate more branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) found in lean meats, eggs, and quality dairy. We also added BCAA supplements to boost protein synthesis and improve muscle recovery.
    • Citrate Cycle: We focused on foods rich in vitamins B3, B2, and B6 to support the NAD and FAD enzymes. Additionally, we introduced coenzyme Q10 supplementation to enhance cellular energy efficiency.
    • One Carbon Pool by Folate: We added foods rich in folate like legumes and green leafy vegetables. We also considered B-group vitamin supplements, always under professional supervision.
  2. Lifestyle Changes: We also suggested the following lifestyle changes:
    • Sleep and Rest: We established a regular sleep schedule and pre-sleep relaxation techniques.
    • Training Periodization: We adjusted his training program to alternate load and unload phases, adapting to his energy needs.
    • Hydration: We emphasized the importance of proper hydration, with sufficient intake of salts and electrolytes.
  3. Key Supplements: Finally, we proposed a series of key supplements to optimize muscle recovery processes and the proper absorption of essential nutrients:
    • NADH: Taking 5-10mg daily to improve lactate reuse and reduce fatigue.
    • Coenzyme Q10: 100mg daily to reduce tiredness and support the central nervous and energy systems.
    • Mineral Salts and Electrolytes: A special post-workout mix to maintain hydro balance.
    • Vitamin D3: Professionally supervised, to maintain bone and muscle health, and adapt to training.

Results and Final Assessment:

After applying these personalized strategies, based on his genetic profile from the Beyond You test, the results were extraordinary!

The athlete showed a notable improvement in protein synthesis and muscle recovery, thanks to the BCAAs. His cellular energy efficiency skyrocketed, resulting in higher energy levels and improved performance in his races.

The alterations in his single carbon metabolism normalized, thanks to folate and B vitamins, leading to an improved overall state of well-being.

Finally, he experienced faster post-race recovery and a significant delay in the onset of fatigue during his competitions.


This case is a testament to how personalized intervention, based on genetics and a holistic approach, can make a substantial difference in an athlete’s performance.

For more information about the transcriptomic studies being developed, you can contact us at info@beyondyou.life, and one of our experts will answer all your questions.

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