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#39: Why you shouldn’t apply ice after an injury?


The application of ice has long been a commonly recommended method for treating injuries and reducing inflammation. However, in recent decades, several scientific studies have questioned the effectiveness and appropriateness of this approach. In this blog, we will explore the scientific evidence suggesting that applying ice after an injury may not be as beneficial as once thought. 

Why is the application of ice traditionally recommended? Historically, ice application has been considered a standard measure for treating injuries due to the belief that it helps reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. It was thought that cold reduces blood flow and limits swelling, thus providing relief. 

Scientific evidence against ice application: 

  1. Healing process reduction: Some studies have suggested that ice application may delay the healing process by reducing the activity of fibroblasts, cells responsible for connective tissue regeneration. Instead of accelerating recovery, ice could interfere with the body’s natural ability to repair damaged tissues. 
  1. Immune system inhibition: Other researchers have pointed out that ice may have negative effects on the immune system. Inflammation is a natural body response to fight infections and facilitate healing. By limiting inflammation, ice could interfere with this process and hinder recovery. 
  1. Blood flow reduction: Contrary to common belief, some studies have shown that ice application can decrease blood flow instead of increasing it. Restricting blood supply can be counterproductive, as blood flow is essential for delivering nutrients and oxygen to the injured area. 

Alternatives to ice application:

Instead of relying exclusively on ice application, healthcare professionals now suggest approaches such as heat therapy, active rest, physiotherapy, among others. These interventions are designed to promote blood circulation, reduce muscle stiffness, and expedite the healing process without the potential negative effects associated with ice. 

  1. Heat therapy: 
  • Stimulation of blood flow: Unlike ice, heat therapy increases blood flow to the affected area, facilitating the delivery of necessary nutrients and oxygen for recovery. 
  • Muscle relaxation: Heat helps relax muscles and reduces stiffness, improving mobility and alleviating discomfort associated with the injury. 
  1. Active rest: 
  • Gentle stimulation: Instead of complete immobilization, active rest involves gentle and controlled movements that promote blood circulation without putting too much strain on the injury. 
  • Maintenance of muscle strength: Mild physical activity can help maintain muscle strength and flexibility, contributing to faster and more complete recovery. 
  1. Physiotherapy: 
  • Personalized exercise program: Physiotherapists design specific exercise programs tailored to the injury and individual needs, contributing to functional recovery. 
  • Mobility improvement: Physiotherapy can help restore mobility, strengthen surrounding muscles, and prevent long-term issues associated with the injury. 
  1. Compression: 
  • Swelling reduction: Applying compression with elastic bandages can help reduce swelling by providing additional support and limiting fluid accumulation in the affected area. 
  • Injury stabilization: Compression can also stabilize the injury, creating a favorable environment for healing. 
  1. Elevation: 
  • Edema reduction: Elevating the injured limb above the heart level can help decrease fluid accumulation and reduce swelling. 
  • Lymphatic drainage improvement: Elevation facilitates lymphatic drainage, aiding in waste elimination and inflammation reduction. 


Although ice application has been a common practice for treating injuries for a long time, scientific evidence suggests it may not be the best option. It is essential to reconsider traditional approaches and seek treatment methods based on current research. Before applying ice after an injury, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best individualized treatment strategy. 

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