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#9 Anti-stress nutritional supplements

Increasingly, we see that stress is part of our daily lives to the point that most of us have normalized it and even see it as something positive. The truth is that occasional moments of stress can be good to keep our body alert – just as it happened with our ancestors in dangerous situations – but what is pathological is what we find today: continuous and prolonged levels of stress that do not allow our body to take a break and predispose it to suffer from insomnia, various pathologies, anxiety, irritability, fatigue and weight gain, among others.

Although it is essential to have a balanced diet free of substances that favor oxidative stress, we can include in our dietary guidelines certain plants and supplements that help us to combat stress levels; in addition to practicing some type of physical and/or mental exercise to be able to respond better to life events. 

Vitamin B complex

B vitamins will be very important to promote a good health of the nervous system and to have an adequate tolerance to stress. They have a relaxing effect on the SN, increasing vitality and mental clarity and decreasing anxiety, irritability, insomnia and tension.

A complex containing all the vitamins of the B group can be taken.

Vitamin D

It has many functions, and although the best known is related to bone health, it is considered a hormone due to the great importance it has in reference to the homeostasis of the whole organism, regulating more than 900 genes by inducing their gene expression.

It is involved in processes such as the defense of the immune system, carcinogenic processes, cardiac circulation, depression and favors the production of blood cells that inhibit inflammatory reactions.

Most of the population is deficient in this vitamin, especially in cold seasons and in women with menopause, so it is advisable to take into account the supplementation of vitamin D with a minimum of 1,000 IU/day. In case of autoimmune diseases, doses can be increased up to 4,000-5,000 IU/day.

If given together with vitamin K2 there will be greater absorption and bioavailability.

Vitamin C

This vitamin stimulates the immune system by increasing defenses, in addition to playing an essential role as a protective antioxidant agent against oxidative stress.

It acts by regulating the concentrations of hormones that appear in our organism in situations of prolonged stress -such as cortisol and adrenaline-.

When taking a vitamin C supplement, it is important to prioritize that it is in ‘ester’ form, since it is combined with calcium and therefore does not cause acidity problems. Ensure a minimum dose of 1,000 mg/day (if you are a smoker it will be necessary to increase the dose).


It is a mineral that contributes to good brain function, stimulates active neuronal function, reduces stress and insomnia, helps maintain good bone and dental health, reduces ramps, and is indispensable for synthesizing and metabolizing vitamin D, among many other functions.

The most recommended form of magnesium to supplement is magnesium citrate, which is the most bioavailable.

Ensure a minimum intake of 400 mg/day.


It is a trace element that essentially regulates blood glucose levels. In addition, most people who suffer from stress or occasional moments of anxiety, have a tendency to snack on sweets between meals; chromium will be the perfect ally to regulate this craving for sweets.

Most supplements come in amounts of 200-250mcg, you can choose to take one capsule with lunch and another at dinner.


It supports the immune system and helps strengthen the defenses, regulates the concentration of hormones, decreases oxidative stress and is also basic in times of stress because during these periods it is rapidly depleted.

The recommended dose is 30-50mg per day with meals.


It is an excellent aid in repairing the intestinal mucosal wall and improving digestive health. In addition, in times of high stress, it acts as fuel for the brain and for the epithelial cells of the small intestine, and contributes to strengthen the immune system.

Recommended dose of 500mg, 1 tablet/day, outside of meals.


It is an adaptogen plant that acts in the place where the secretion of stress hormones begins. It allows to cope with stressful situations by controlling cortisol peaks in the body, stimulating the activity of serotonin and reducing symptoms such as depression or anxiety.

Take 1 tablet a day away from meals. Dosage of 250mg/day


It is also catalogued as an adaptogenic plant against stress and of a balancing character. This adaptogenic power stimulates the central nervous system and increases physical and intellectual performance, it is also hypoglycemic and its use has been linked to improved memory and increased resistance to disease.

The recommended dose of dry extract is between 300 and 500 mg/day distributed in three daily intakes; in case of fluid extract, up to 30 drops can be taken daily.

Prolonged use is not recommended, cycles of 3-4 weeks can be alternated with breaks of 1-2 months.

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