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Beyond You: new chapter, new challenge

We are excited to officially announce the rebranding of Exheus to Beyond You, a move based on our commitment to maximize health impact and closely collaborate with healthcare professionals.

Over the past three years, we have dedicated our resources to continually improve our algorithms and validate our technology through rigorous scientific studies. These efforts have led us to expand our horizons and explore new applications in RNA analysis.

In particular, we have focused on monitoring inflammation and other associated comorbidities. Through detailed research and analysis, we have gained valuable insights and published scientific papers that have opened new frontiers in this crucial field.

This discovery has prompted us to take a strategic turn towards the medical field and collaborate directly with health professionals. In doing so, we firmly believe that we can maximize our impact, as our scientific and technological advances can be used to improve healthcare and the quality of life for greater numbers of people.

The move to Beyond You reflects our belief in the importance of a collective and collaborative approach. By teaming up with healthcare professionals, we are building a strong network of shared knowledge and experience. Together, we can leverage our expertise in genetic analysis and inflammation monitoring to develop more effective and personalized solutions.

Our ultimate goal is to provide healthcare professionals with the necessary tools to deliver more accurate, evidence-based care so they can optimize diagnosis and personalize treatment for their patients. We believe that by combining our efforts, we can mark a tangible difference in people’s lives, providing better management of inflammation and reducing the impact of associated comorbidities.

We are excited about this new chapter for our company and look forward to working closely with healthcare professionals to transform healthcare for the benefit of all. Together, we go beyond the familiar and strive to improve the health and well-being of people around the world.

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